Select a Location:
508 Washington Street, Cedar Vale, KS 67024
Call: 620-758-2221
200 N. Plum Street, Moline, KS 67353
Call: 620-647-8109
204 N. Main Street, Dexter, KS 67038
Call: 620-876-5863
300 North Street, Sedan, KS 67361
Call: 620-725-3818
1230 E. 6th Ave. Suite 1B, Winfield, KS
Call: 620-221-4000
1700 E 9th Ave, Winfield, KS 67156
Call: 620-221-0110
1230 E. 6th Ave. Suite 1A, Winfield, KS
Call: 620-402-6699
1300 E. Fifth Ave., Winfield, KS 67156
Call: 620-221-2300

Intensive Care Unit

What is Intensive Care?

It is around the clock, highly specialized care for people who are seriously ill or injured or recovering from surgery or other treatment. Our goals in the ICU are to stabilize the patient’s condition, prevent new complications, and provide treatment to help the patient achieve the fullest possible recovery

Teamwork in the ICU

Our patient care team includes trained nurses, physicians, respiratory therapists, a dietician, a social worker, physical and occupational therapy, diabetic educator, laboratory, and radiology personnel. This team is able to provide advanced medical care using specialized equipment and knowledge. 

Equipment you may see in the ICU

Monitor – Displays the patient’s vital signs. These may include: blood pressure, breathing rate, heart rate and rhythm, and temperature.

Suction – These tubes help remove fluids from the nose, mouth, and lungs.

Ventilator – A machine that may be needed to help the patient breathe. The tube in the patient’s mouth makes impossible for the patient to speak. 

BiPap – A machine like the ventilator except the patient wears a mask and the patient must be breathing on their own. 

Drainage Tubes – Drain fluids from a wound or body cavity.

Feeding Tubes – A tube through the nose or implanted surgically in the abdomen that provides nutrition if the patient cannot eat.

Cathethers – Tubes inserted into the body for one of several possible functions. For example: Bladder catheters remove urine. Other types allow removal of blood samples and deliver medications.

Intravenous (IV) Lines – Usually inserted in the arm, neck, or torso. Carries fluids, medications, and nutrients to the patient. Pumps control the rate of delivery. 

Alarms frequently sound from normal body movements. Please do not be afraid if you hear an alarm. It is normal to be a little unsettled by the equipment and the noise, but it is required to assist in providing the best care possible for your loved one. 

PLEASE do not touch the equipment or silence the alarms – ask the ICU staff for assistance if needed. 

Communication is key!


A visitor may be asked to leave ICU if: 

Patient Rest Periods – our bodies heal when we sleep. We may ask you to come at a later time if the patient is sleeping. Our patients need their sleep!

The ICU will be CLOSED to visitors during the following times:

William Newton Hospital is not responsible for lost visitor items. 

Infection Control

We keep our unit as clean as possible! We ask you observe and follow these requests:

Advanced Medical Directives

Advance Medical Directives are legal documents that help ensure that a patient’s wishes are followed. Patients and loved one might consider the benefits of:

A living will – This allows the patient to state his or her wishes for care. Later, if the patient cannot speak for themselves, the living will serves as a guide for healthcare providers.

A durable power of attorney for healthcare – This allows the patient to name someone to make healthcare decisions in the event that patient is unable to do so. Patients usually appoint a primary DPOA for Healthcare and 2 alternates. It is important to discuss healthcare wishes/treatment with the DPOA. DNR/AND – Do Not Resuscitate/Allow Natural Death. This is a document that specifies your wishes regarding what type of measures you would like the healthcare team to provide if you stop breathing and/or your heart stops. 

These may include:

About Advanced Medical Directives:

During Your Stay

Accommodations Your Hospital Team Food Service Safety and Security Patient Privacy